
I started taking pictures of street art in 2007 when I was in Chile, specifically in Valparaiso. When I've visited new cities, I've gone online and signed up for street art tours. These are led by street artists or art historians, they are free, but of course you donate a sum. It is also a great way to get to know a city, you are taken to places you would never have gone (alone). The photos from Lisbon and Bogota are taken from such trips.

These six "stencils" are from Valparaiso, Chile, these were the first street art photos I took (2007).

Bogotá, Colombia



Tallin, Estland
Street art in Bogota
Bogota is a mecca for street artists. When I visited the city I took a guided tour with a street artist. He said that even if you were caught by the police for painting on the walls, you were happy to go out the next day. That's why the artists flocked here.


Ice feather, End of the world, Tjøme

Landskap og steder


The temples of Bagdan, Myanmar

Giuseppe Verdi's Garden, Emilia Romagna, Italy

Along the Göta Canal, Sweden


Seljandsfoss, Iceland

Sólheimajökull, Island

Uluru (Ayers Rock) Australia

Baalbek, Bekadalen, Libanon

Utenfor Hsinbyume-pagoden i Mandalay, Myanmar

Los Cristianos, Tenerife


Luang Prabang, Laos

Galway, Irland

Shwedagon pagode, Yangon, Myanmar

Boy discovering a large gilded statue of Buddha in a temple in Mandalay, Myanmar
Old Dehli, India
Time out

Wyllerløypa, Oslo

Inle Lake, Myanmar. Acrobatic fisherman, rowing with his leg while casting his net

Wai, India. A little girl on her way with her lunch

Damascus, The Great Mosque (Umayyad) - taken outside in the square. The hope is...

When I visited Highgate Cemetery in London early one morning, where Karl Marx is buried, the burial site had been vandalized. Someone had sprayed white paint on their heads, and the workers were busy removing the mess before people arrived. Incidentally, it costs a lot to be buried near Marx, one of the guards told me.
The picture below is from the Silesium Museum in Katowice, Poland, where Marx has been painted red.

Proud Palestinian shows his original passport from the time he was driven out of Palestine. The photo was taken in the Palestinian refugee camp Rashedie outside Tire in southern Lebanon. Vegar Storsve took me in to see the man, who willingly stood up to prove that once long ago he belonged to a country.

Wienertvillinger –
et gatebilde fra Wien, høsten 2023. På vei mot The Body Shop eller restaurant Dai Fratelli? Eller er det Zanoni & Zanoni? (Se skiltene)

Alpakka, Chile


Camargue, Sør-Frankrike

Whale, off Reykjavik, Iceland